Saturday 13 April 2013


Alrighty then, my very first blog post. All new. Very exciting. Kind of just stalling till I think of something to say... Well what can I say? Up till now, life has been an interesting journey. Won't bore you with all the details (yet) but I will give you a quick scratch.

About ten years ago I met my wife, and I mean that exactly as it sounds because I knew we would marry from the moment we met. Not long after that we began having children; rambunctious little bundles of joy/terror. I spent the first few years working jobs fairly low on the Scale of Crap, mainly a bit of shit-kicking for various types of crazy-person. In fact, upon reflection, I have never really had a good boss (including now, the boss being me!).

Four years ago, I kick-started a small Handyman/Mowing business in my local town, hoping that it would supplement the part-time job I had at the time, and maybe one day it might grow. Well, a month later I had a choice: part-time job or the business. Ten points for guessing the one I picked. Ever since then I've been happily maintaining a full-time business and haven't had time to breath from dawn till dusk, five days a week.

And all this while, I had been on-and-off writing. You see, in the background, writing had somehow permeated my entire life in one way or another. When I was 15 I had an idea for a story, and only for me own amusement, began writing it. Ahh, the fond memories I hold of madly scribbling in pencil in my A4 pad as the train rocked back and forth on the way to school, with my fellow students poking fun and giving me odd looks.

Fast forward to a point a few years and half a lifetime later, and there's me with a finished book 1, a paragraph on book 2 and three quarters of book 3. I did send the synopsis of Saviour away to a couple of agents but had no luck getting hooked. "There's just no market for this type of novel at the moment," they'd say. Bull-dillies, I said. Then one day, I googled "free ebook publishing" and whammo. A week later, I was a published ebook author. A month later I found out you can publish into paperback too, FOR FREE. And, as they say in the classics, the rest is history. Then I realised I'd better hurry up and get into book 2!

Now, four months later, I'm still in awe that I can actually pick up and hold a copy of Winchester: Saviour, the book that's been with me for literally half my life. It hasn't sold a million copies, or a thousand or even a hundred. And heck, it probably never will. But who cares?! I'm a published author with 1 five star rating (thanks Mr Palmer, whoever you are), a family man with 4 kids and a beautiful wife, and a managing director of an incredibly successful small business that I have to keep holding back so I'm not working nights or hiring staff! My world is complete.

Thanks for reading my first blog post. I look forward to posting further and hearing your thoughts too.
Till next time,

PS, feel free to check out my facebook pages:
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Or like the Winchester Series

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