Monday 22 April 2013

Why Are People So Angry?

I guess the title says it all. I am honestly curious as to why in this world the average human being is so frequently upset, angry, stressed and hateful, especially toward each other.

The other day I heard about a new mowing business in town. Apparently the men that operate it are using stand-over tactics, moderate stalking and intimidation to try and edge the other similar businesses out of town. It terrifies me that there are people around in a small country town like this that feel domination is the only way to conduct business. Especially when up till now, we mowing blokes/handymen pretty much all knew each other, respected the other's operation and often would pass new customers between each other if the other was too busy. Now I learn that there is some nutter out there basically looking to trample that eco-system, the way humans throughout history have trampled eco-system after eco-system.. I find it really disappointing. And utterly sad to look at our race through that lense.

And of course, this is only a tiny sample of the negativity out there. What about road rage, wild out of control parties, beating up police, children and little old ladies? Or gangs of young kids wandering the streets at night? What is wrong with this world? You would think that the years of endless war that the generations prior to mine have seen would have gone someway to shaping a solid awareness of life and other people. Simple respect for your fellow man would be nice.

I suppose all we can do is try our best to live our own life following the path that we feel is the correct one, doing our best to reduce our footprint (carbon or otherwise) and our negative impacts on those around us. And erect a shield around ourselves and our families to try and deflect a little of the hatred. Try to at least try to be one with the universe, instead of constantly going against the flow and butting heads at every turn.

Till next time,

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